3 Top Reasons to Install Modular Floating Docks

2 July 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog


If you own a business that rents out water paddle boats to campers, then you cannot do much without a pontoon. However, most waterfront property owners tend not to bother because they believe that a pontoon installation is a costly and challenging undertaking. While there is some truth to this, the difficulty of installation depends on the type of dock you select. Ideally, you have to choose between a modular floating dock and a fixed dock. The article highlights reasons you should opt for a modular floating dock rather than a fixed one. 

Usable in Both High and Low Tides -- Since your business will be running all year round, it is vital to install a dock that can serve your customers in both high and low water conditions. Fixed pontoons fall short in this area because when water levels are low, it can be impossible for clients to reach the dock from their boats. Similarly, high water levels can submerge your pontoon, thereby making it inaccessible. However, the problems are unheard of with floating docks because they readily adjust to prevailing water levels. During high tide, the dock rises with the water, and during low water levels, the dock lowers accordingly. Your clients can, therefore, use modular floating docks regardless of prevailing water level conditions. 

Easy Expansion -- Floating docks come in various designs with the most popular one being the modular type. It means that the pier can be sold in sections or units and assembled using connectors just like building blocks. The capability of modular floating docks allows for easy configuration and reconfiguration to meet current needs. For instance, if you want to accommodate bigger boats, you can extend the dock's length or width by connecting single dock units to the main dock. Modular docks, therefore, eliminate the possibility of turning away potential customers based on the size of their boat. 

Achieves Different Platform Shapes -- As the name suggests, fixed pontoons are fixed to the floor of the lake; therefore, it is impossible to alter the configuration. Although the fixed docks remain functional, you lose the ability to play around with the aesthetics of your property. Modular floating docks, on the other hand, allow you to change the shape of the pier to suit current circumstances. For example, the units can be arranged to accommodate boats on either side of the dock. The same units can also be connected to accommodate the same number of vessels on both sides. If you go for the coloured units, you can effectively convert the dock into a scenic spot.