Why It Is Time To Upgrade Your Business To A Packaging Supplier

30 September 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog


When most small businesses start out, they generally only use packaging material that is readily available to them in their local post office or nearby shops, as they are easy to get and do a reasonable enough job. However, as you start to grow and get orders it is not long before you may realise that these items can be quite limiting, particularly if you are sending anything that has a slightly out of the ordinary shape or is fragile. Here are three reasons why you should start to consider using a packaging supplier for all of your businesses shipping needs.


Buying parcels, boxes, bubble wrap and any packaging from brick and mortar stores are always going to be more expensive than ordering them from a packaging supplier. This is true for two main reasons:

  • You cannot buy in bulk from the post office which means you are always going to be paying a higher unit price.
  • They have to pay to operate these stores which means they need to make a bigger profit than more online-based packaging suppliers. 

Considering just how important it is to be clever with your money in these harsh financial times, you don't want to be spending more on packaging than you need to.

Far More Useful

No matter what you are packaging and sending, from fruit to fine leather goods, there will be a package that is the right size and shape for your needs. Packaging suppliers carry dozens of different sized parcels, cartons, bags, padded envelopes and whatever else you could dream up to fit your items in. If it has been used to package items, then a packaging supplier will likely carry it. This means you can get a much more precise fit when packing your goods, ensuring they don't roll around and break during transport and saving you from costly returns.

Easier To Organise

No longer do you have to make frequent trips to the shops to buy more packaging material, as ordering with a packaging supplier is very simple and hassle-free. You can either place a repeat order, that will schedule new drops every few weeks (or sooner if need be) or you can just order as you need. The items will be dropped off at your business or home, and you can use them from there without ever having to step foot outside. This gives you more time to concentrate on your business rather than worrying about postage.

Reach out to a packaging supplier today to learn more.